2011 年考研英語大作文大盤點傳統節日和洋節( 大必備範文裏有壹篇,同時請看本文) 壹. 傳統節日和洋節 講義上 20 大必備範文裏有壹篇,寫之前分析自己的思路, 最好用簡單的中文寫下自己中間段的提綱 調整好心態,把套句和實力都發揮出來,簡單寫作如下(寫之前提醒自己: 1. be careful! 2. 字壹定要工整! 3. 壹句話裏主謂是誰! 4. that 後只能接句子!! !) 深層含義/論點:This sketch does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon in China now: the western festivals are prevalent and pervasive in our society. 現狀:Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that people in expanding numbers are enjoying the western holidays(換詞), regrettably turning a blind eye to the traditional Chinese festivals. 原因: :Several factors, both individual and social, could account for the negative phenomenon. 或者:The reason for the phenomenon may be complicated, but we can, to a large extent, ascribe it to the following interrelated factors. 原因壹和二:For one thing, the foreign holidays are so fascinating that the youth can not resist its temptation. On the other hand, with the quickening pace of life, people have tremendous pressure in this ruthless and relentless society, and therefore, the colorful western way of celebration(換詞) becomes an effective and efficient way of reducing/alleviating their pressure. 或者:People are only in pursuit of the material life, totally ignoring the spiritual heritage(精神 遺產) of the Chinese culture. 結果:This phenomenon, to some extent, has its merits. (還是得承認洋節也有合理的好處) However, it undoubtedly poses a probable and potential threat to our traditional Chinese culture which is far-reaching to our children. 總結: Were the situation to continue without proper guidance, the Chinese culture would probably be weakened and even eliminated.( 當然可以用前面教過的所有套句) 另外:第三段的建議當中,我們可以寫: 1. We should be educated and enlightened to cultivate our awareness of traditional Chinese culture. (培養中國文化)2. It is sensible to (做 XXX 是明智的選擇)absorb the foreign essence and resist its negative side, and combine the Chinese festivals with the western ones. (中西合璧) Only in this way can we preserve our glorious civilization and at the same time enjoy the western diversity.