There was once a frog, it has been sitting in the well, basking in the beauty of the blue sky overhead side.
忽然有壹天,壹只黃色的十分可愛的小鳥從遠方飛來,落在井沿上。 Suddenly one day, a very cute yellow birds fly from afar, and landed on the edge of the well.
青蛙擡頭問小鳥:“妳從哪兒飛來呀?” Asked the frog looked up bird: "Where did you fly it?"
小鳥回答說:“我從遠處飛來。我在天空中飛了壹百多裏,口渴了,下來找點水喝。” Bird replied: "I fly from a distance. I flew in the sky more than a hundred years, thirsty, and down to find some water."
青蛙很奇怪,它說:“朋友,別說大話了!天不過井口那麽大,還用飛那麽遠嗎?”The frog is very strange, it says: "My friends, let alone lying it! Days, but well head so much, also used to fly so far?"
小鳥說:“妳弄錯了,天無邊無際,大得很哪!” Bird said: "You made a mistake, endless days, which is very big!"
青蛙笑了,說:“朋友,我天天坐在井裏,壹擡頭就看見天。我不會弄錯的。”Frog laughed and said: "My friends, I sat in the well every day, I looked up to see the day. I am not deceived."
小鳥也笑了,說:“朋友,妳是弄錯了。不相信,妳跳出井口來看壹看吧。” Bird smiled and said: "Friend, you are mistaken. Do not believe that you look at it out of the wellhead."
青蛙半信半疑地跳出了井,這才發現天是那麽廣闊無垠,而他看到的天只是那麽微不足道的壹塊。Well frog jumped out of skepticism, and saw that the sky is so vast expanse, and the day he saw a piece just so insignificant
這個故事叫做“坐井觀天”,在中國家喻戶曉。它通常用來比喻某人的見識有限,眼光短淺;但是我認為這則故事在強調現在人們應該開闊思維、眼界放開的同時,卻忽視了其他值得關註的因素和信息。This story is called "sit idle," a household name in China. It is often used to describe a person's knowledge is limited, short-sightedness; but I think this story should be the emphasis is now open thinking, open their horizons at the same time, they ignore other factors worthy of attention and information.
所以,同學們,要有長遠的目光,設定好自己將來的目標,並為之努力奮鬥。千萬不要沈浸在短暫的成功之中,要知道人外有人,天外有天,井外有更大的壹片天空!So, students, and have long-term vision, set their own goals for the future, and working hard. Never being immersed in the short-term success, to know people beyond, Behind the wells have a greater piece of the sky outside!