持有人:周春生Holder: Zhou Chunsheng
藏品出源地:湖北省Provenance: Hubei Province
心裏價:96000Heart price: 96000
此湖北省造光緒元寶正面中央為“光緒元寶”及滿文鑄造局,外環珠圈,上緣紀地文字為“湖北省造”。下緣紀值文字為“當十”;背面中央鑄“飛龍”圖及珠圈,上下皆鐫有英文。藏品雖經歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,也見證了其歷史的積澱,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的價值。The central front of guangxu Yuan Bao in Hubei province is Guangxu Yuan Bao and Manchu casting bureau, the outer ring bead ring, upper margin period for hubei province to make lower margin period value characters for when 10; On the back, the central casting of the flying dragon and the beads are engraved with the English collection. Although it has experienced endless years, the lines are still clearly visible, which also witness its historical accumulation. It has a very obvious historical transitional feature and is of indescribable value
古錢幣極具觀賞性與歷史價值,因此古錢幣如同其他古玩壹樣被藏家們所青睞。中國最早的機制洋式銀元為光緒年間的“光緒元寶”,俗稱“龍洋”,因銀元背面 壹般鑄有龍紋而得名。珍稀古錢幣是貨幣歷史的實物,由於早已不在流通領域,留存下來的亦少之極少,更是歷史的見證。Ancient COINS highly ornamental and historical value, therefore ancient COINS like other antiques are favored by collectors mechanism of China's earliest YangShi silver for the guangxu period of the emperor guangxu wing, commonly known as Long Yang, due to the silver on the back of the general casting has named dragon rare ancient COINS is the real currency history, because already not circulation, surviving also very few, but also the witness of history
身世傳奇Origin legend
近幾年“湖北省光緒元寶”壹度釀成珍藏界追捧的寵兒,媒體上炒得沸反盈天。據相識,香餑餑的“湖北省光緒元寶”珍藏價值極高,可是“湖北省光緒元寶”存世量極為希罕。“湖北省光緒元寶”珍藏價值難以預計,是古玩珍藏阛阓的新寵,擁有無法預計的增值空間。In hubei province in recent years guangxu wing once caused world of pet, media scrambled to fix according to get to know each other, to land of hubei province guangxu wing very high collection value, but the guangxu emperor guangxu wing wing only extremely rare hubei province, hubei province life value is difficult to expect that is antique collection Huan Hui to be bestowed favor on newly, has not expected value-added space
拍賣傳奇Legends of the auction
近幾年,國內古玩市場的壹片繁榮發動了錢幣市場的生長態勢。作為古玩的壹種,錢幣壹直以來都是珍藏家關註的熱門,由於在我國的每個歷史階段都有自己奇異的錢幣形式,都或多或少地反映了壹個時代的社會配景和文化特色,因此有著極高的珍藏價值。此枚湖北省造光緒元寶當十,包漿熟舊自然,色澤明亮,錢廓清晰,紋飾深邃,品相細膩,極具書法藝術價值。錢幣正面珠圈內書滿華文“光緒元寶”字樣,中央鑄有壹朵小花;珠圈外上環楷體鑄“湖北省造”,下環“當十”,左右各書有滿文。錢幣反面內圈鑄有中央為蟠龍圖,紋飾細膩,線條優美,龍鱗細膩,龍眼突起,炯炯有神,並有雲海陪襯,看上去似乎是壹幅神龍遨遊天涯油畫,極其漂亮,美得感人心魄,讓人看了無不嘆為觀止,異常震撼,有著極高的藝術鑒賞價值。In recent years, the prosperity of domestic antique market launched the growth trend of coin market.As a kind of antique, coin has always been a hot topic for collectors. Since each historical stage in China has its own peculiar form of coin, which more or less reflects the social background and cultural characteristics of an era, it has a very high value of collection.This guangxu yuan treasure made in Hubei province is in the tenth place. It is natural and ripe, bright in color, clear in money outline, profound in pattern, exquisite in appearance, and of great artistic value in calligraphy.On the front of the coin, the words "Guangxu Yuan Bao" in Chinese are written in a circle with a small flower cast in the center.Bead ring outside the upper loop regular script casting "Hubei Province", the lower ring "when ten", around the book has manchu.Coin opposite was central to the inner ring of panlong figure, grain is exquisite, graceful, squama and exquisite, longan protuberant, intense, and a sea of clouds foil, seems like a picture of a dragon to navigate the world oil paintings, very beautiful, beautiful moving ravishing, let a person see the all amazing, abnormal shock, has high artistic appreciation value
而“湖北省造光緒元寶當十”作為近代錢幣中為細膩鑄幣之壹,其確實威風凜凜威風凜凜奇異,文化內在富厚,是不行多得的珍稀之品。上下數千年,龍已滲透了中國社會的各個方面,成為壹種文化的凝聚和積澱。龍成了中國的象征、中華民族的象征、中國文化的象征,像這種有龍紋標示的古幣壹直深受國人喜歡和追捧,珍藏價值高。“濁世黃金,盛世珍藏”,而古代錢幣本就是貴金屬鑄造,更是備受接待,錢幣珍藏隊伍壹直壯大。近代錢幣是珍藏的熱門,而光緒元寶更是重中之重,獲得了市場的認可。此枚銅幣包漿醇厚自然,字口紋路深邃,反面龍鱗清晰可見,銅色較好,歷史使用痕跡顯著,生涯品相完好And "Hubei Province to make guangxu yuan treasure when ten" as one of the modern COINS for exquisite coinage, it is indeed awestruck awestruck strange, rich culture, is not much rare products.For thousands of years, the dragon has penetrated into every aspect of Chinese society and become a kind of cultural cohesion and accumulation.The dragon has become the symbol of China, the symbol of the Chinese nation, and the symbol of Chinese culture. Such ancient COINS with dragon marks have been deeply loved and pursued by Chinese people, and have a high collection value."Gold in turbid times, treasure in prosperous times", and the ancient coin is precious metal casting, is more received, coin treasure team has been growing.Modern coin is a popular collection, and guangxu yuan is the most important, has been recognized by the market.This copper coin is full-bodied and natural, the word mouth lines are deep, the reverse dragon scale is clearly visible, the copper color is good, the historical use trace is significant, the career product phase is intact
“湖北省造光緒元寶”設計精美,鑄工精良,存世稀少,加之其身世的撲朔迷離,可謂最具傳奇色彩的中國機制銀幣之壹,在錢幣大珍中也占據著名列前茅的位置,屬難得的罕見珍品。"Guangxu yuan Bao made in Hubei Province" is exquisite in design, excellent in casting, rare in the world, in addition to the complicated and confusing of its origin, it may be said that the most legendary Chinese mechanism of silver COINS is one of the top COINS in the treasure, is a rare rare treasure.
以上藏品實物圖片均由周春生先生提供!The above pictures are provided by Mr. Zhou Chunsheng.