六年級上冊英語優質課件1壹. Teaching Time:
Lesson Time:
二.Teaching aims and demands:
(壹)1. Four skills: month, January, February, March, April.
2. Three skills: January is the first month of the year.
3. Let's make and talk.
制作相冊。要求用以下句式進行交流:It’s January. She is skating. In March, the children plant trees.
4. Let's read and chant.
(二)Teaching Affection
1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.
2. To teach the Ss how to say the first month to fourth month of the year.
三.Teaching important points and difficult points:
1. Words: month, January, February, March, April.
2. Sentence: January is the first month of the year.
四.Teaching methods:
1. Communication Teaching Method.
2. Direct Teaching Method.
3. Reading and writing.
4. TPR.
五.Teaching aids:
六.Lesson type:
New Lesson
七.Teaching Steps:
1. Warming-up / Revision ?(3’)
1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.
2)Review the words : January, February, March, April.
2. Presentation ?(20 ’)
1)教師提問學生的生日:Whose birthday is in January / February / March/ April? 讓生日在1~4月的學生到前邊逐個介紹自己的生日,例如:Hi! I'm xx.My birthday is in January.讓下面的學生註意聽,盡力記住每個人的生日月份(不能用筆記錄)。然後學生按任意順序站成壹排,讓下面的學生憑記憶說出他們的生日。從第壹個開始,教師說This is .... Start! 學生開始搶答,答對者得壹分。看看誰的瞬間記憶好。
2)把數量相等的1~4月的英語單詞分別寫在紙條上,然後學生抽簽得到自己的月份,按照月份分成小組,以月份名稱為組名,如January Group;各小組討論在自己的月份裏有哪些節日,學校有哪些活動,周圍的人會進行哪些活動。用英語記下來,不會的可以用圖畫表示。最後向全班介紹展示討論結果。
3)Just write.
3. Practice ?(17 ’)
1)教師請學生分成小組完成學生用書第50頁的制作討論活動。鼓勵學生聯想以前學過的句型來交流,例:Who is this? Where is he / she? Do you like ... ?
2)Let's read and chant
4. Assessment
Finish the activity book about the lesson.
5. Additional activities/Homework
1)Finish the activity book.
六年級上冊英語優質課件2壹. Teaching Time:
Lesson Time:
二.Teaching aims and demands:
(二)Teaching Affection
1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.
2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.
三.Teaching important points and difficult points:
(壹) 學習如何用英語說出5—8月。
(二)May is the fifth month of the year.
June is the sixth month of the year.
July is the seventh month of the year.
August is the eighth month of the year.
四.Teaching methods:
1. Situational Teaching Method.
2. Direct Teaching Method.
3. Listening and reading.
五.Teaching aids:
六.Lesson type:
New Lesson
七.Teaching Steps:
1. Warming-up / Revision ?(3’)
1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.
2)Review the words and sentences about January, February, March, April.
2. Presentation ?(17 ’)
2)Talk about mouth. 請學生說出有關5~8月的相關信息,比如節日等,引導學生探究學習,並給予學生及時的鼓勵。
3)Look, listen and read by themselves.
2.T:Do you know what months they are talking about? Please read by yourselves and find the names of the months.
4)Listen to the tape again and repeat.
3. Practice (15 ’)
1)Ask and answer. Practise in pairs.
Which is the fifth month of the year?
What holiday is in May?
Which is the sixth month of the year?
What holiday is in June?
Which is the seventh month of the year?
What holiday is in July?
Which is the eighth month of the year?
What holiday is in August?
2)Play a game.
猜月份遊戲。學生四人壹組,每個小組發壹張白紙,要求每組裁成四小張,每張寫上5—8月的英文,然後把反面扣在桌上,學生壹個壹個來猜,每個學生猜壹張,先說英語單詞,再翻開卡片,看到單詞再說壹個句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.猜對並句子說對的學生贏的卡片,誰卡片多,誰是冠軍。
4. Assessment ?(5 ’)
1. 小組討論完畢,每組派壹個同學上講臺總結匯報自己小組最喜歡的月份和節日,教師適當給予獎勵。
2. Finish the activity book about the lesson.
5. Additional activities/Homework
1)Finish the activity book. ww w.Xk b1.c oM
六年級上冊英語優質課件3壹. Teaching Time:
Lesson Time:
二.Teaching aims and demands:
(壹)1. Four skills: May, June, July, August, year.
2. Three skills: May is the fifth month of the year.
3. Let's draw and talk.
分組繪畫。要求用以下句式進行交流: When is it? It’s in March. The children are performing.
4. Let's read and chant.
(二)Teaching Affection
1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.
2. To teach the Ss how to say the fifth month to eighth month of the year.
三.Teaching important points and difficult points:
1. Words: May, June, July, August, year.
2. Sentence: May is the fifth month of the year.
四.Teaching methods:
1. Communication Teaching Method.
2. Direct Teaching Method.
3. Reading and drawing.
4. TPR.
五.Teaching aids:
1. 準備硬紙片;數量相等的5~8月的小紙條,按照學生人數準備每人壹套。
2. 準備圖畫紙和彩筆。
3. 學生準備幾張照片,最好是有5~8月日期的或是能反映出時間的。
4. 準備教師卡片和錄音磁帶。
六.Les s on type:
New Lesson
七.Teaching Steps:
1. Warming-up / Revision ?(7’)
伴著Months of the Year這首歌曲,分小組作采訪匯報:我們小組最喜歡的月份。
2. Presentation ?(15 ’)
1)Ask and answer.
T: How many month names have we learnt? Yes, we have learnt four.They are January, February, March, and April.Today we are going to learn four new month names.Do you want to know them? Look!
2)T show the card:This is the fifth month of the year.It's May.領學生讀單詞,然後讀句子:May is the fifth month of the year.
4)Play a game:出示5—8月的第壹個英語字母,讓學生猜是哪壹個月份;老師說中文時,讓學生說出英語,老師說英語時,讓學生說中文,反復練習幾次。
5)教師準備放錄音:Don't worry.Let's listen to the tape.Listen carefully and try to remember the names of the months.
6)Listen to the tape and repeat.
7)Just write.
3. Practice ?(20 ’)
組織學生分組完成課本第53頁的活動。可以分成May Group, June Group等。小組討論自己月份的常見活動,然後用圖畫表現出來。最後小組成員壹起編對話,展示給大家。
2)Let's read and chant.
4. Assessment
Finish the activity book about the lesson.
5. Additional activities/Homework
1)Finish the activity book.
六年級上冊英語優質課件4壹. Teaching Time:
Lesson Time:
二.Teaching aims and demands:
(二)Teaching Affection
1. To promote Ss’ interest and confidence.
2. To develop Ss’ ability of listening and reading.
三.Teaching important points and difficult points:
(壹) 學習如何用英語說出9—12月。
(二)September is the ninth month of the year.
October is the tenth month of the year.
November is the eleventh month of the year.
December is the twelfth and last month of the year.
四.Teaching methods:
1. Situational Teaching Method.
2. Direct Teaching Method.
3. Listening and reading.
五.Teaching aids:
六.Lesson type:
New Lesson
七.Teaching Steps:
1. Warming-up / Revision ?(5 ’)
1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.
2)Review the words and sentences about May, June, July, August, year.
2. Presentation ?(20 ’)
1)True or False. 正確的句子要求學生重復壹遍,錯誤的句子讓學生改正。
T: January is the first month of the year.
Ss: January is the first month of the year.
T: March is the second month of the year.
Ss: February is the second month of the year.
Ss: March is the third month of the year.
T: September is the ninth month of the year.
S: .... ?
T: Oh, sorry.You have not learnt it.Now look at the pictures!
T: Oh, a pretty girl! What is she doing? She is playing the piano.Do you know why? Just guess!
Now, let me tell you.She is playing the piano for her teachers.She loves them and it's Teachers’ Day.Do you know Teachers’ Day ? Yes, of course you know.When is Teachers’ Day ? Who can tell me?
Oh, good boy / girl.You are right.But do you know how to say it in English?
Ok.Let's listen to the tape and find the answer.
5)Listen to the tape again and repeat.
3. Practice ?(10 ’)
2)教師課前先制作好壹個標有12月份縮寫的圓盤,中間是壹個可以移動的指示箭頭,如鐘表狀,讓學生分組來轉,指到哪壹個月,要先用英語讀出來,並且再造壹個句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.說對的學生為本組贏得小旗子,哪組旗子多,哪組是冠軍。
4. Assessment
Finish the activity book about the lesson.
5. Additional activities/Homework ?(5 ’)
1)Finish the activity book.