Gary Stiffelman, Entertainment Attorney
Funny story: when the first X-Men movie wrapped they held a charity auction and I bought the motorized wheelchair built for Professor Xavier. When it was time to make the sequel, they realized they had sold it and asked me to loan it to them. I rented it to Fox for both X-Men 2 and 3. The rent income they paid me totaled more than I had paid to buy the chair, which now occupies a place of honor in my home.
Produced screenwriter, former Sony Pictures script reader/story analyst, form...
A majority of studios have the following...
Prop Department 道具部
This is generally a big stage or warehouse on lot that contains a variety of movie props that are utilized over and over in various different films and have been for decades.
Costume/Wardrobe Department 服裝部
This is usually a big stage or warehouse (sometimes within one of the buildings) that houses general costumes that can be utilized by many different productions. Generic items like scrubs (doctors), police uniforms, military uniforms, etc. You can even find period costumes from any time period.
Transportation Department 交通部
While the transportation department is often more so in charge of the various transportation needs of any given production, they also house and maintain "show vehicles" from current films and television shows, as well as previous ones.
The Sony lot has iconic vehicles like these on display...
My boys and I visiting my ole stomping grounds at Sony in Summer of 2014.
When I was working at Sony, this car was sitting in the transportation department collecting dust and rust. They later restored it.
The car from Talladega Nights《塔拉迪加之夜》裏的車
The infamous RV from Breaking Bad《絕命毒師》裏臭名昭著的房車
Independent Prop/Wardrobe Warehouses獨立道具/服裝倉庫
Studios also utilize prop/wardrobe warehouses that are off site and sometimes independent of the studio system.
It costs a lot of money to store and catalog props, wardrobe, etc. All too often, studios are either recycling them into other films and shows using their own facilities mentioned above or they are selling them off at bargain prices to independent prop warehouses.
Back in 2011, I was fortunate enough to visit one of these warehouses. It is known as one of the world's largest prop houses. It was truly like walking into the seemingly endless warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
A prime example of where props go after a movie is done is from the originalPirates of the Caribbean. When the film wrapped, Disney had no idea that it would be such a huge hit so they sold off ALL of the props from the film to the owner of this warehouse. Swords, canons, guns, relics, and even some of the sets. After the film was a hit, in an ironic fashion, Disney had to rent everything that they sold and needed to use from the warehouse for the sequels.
Beyond the Pirates of the Caribbean items, there were hundreds of thousands of others (big and small), from simple things like old television cameras to elaborate items like torture devices and a plethora of others.
It was amazing to see.
Rather than showcase all of the pictures here, I'll share a video below that I made that will give you a taste of the experience that I had. When I was there, it was just me and the producer of my miniseries that was shooting at the time. We explored the warehouse for hours.
Yes, there are many items that studios keep for their own displays and museums. Some are donated to theme parks or restaurant chains. Others are kept by cast and crew at times (but not as often as you'd think). The iconic "hero" items are always stored safely by the studio in the above facilities and sometimes even auctioned off to private collectors.
Overall, the basic props, costumes, and vehicles are stored on the lot or in private warehouses like the below where they are rented out for each production.
Diana Eden, Costume Designer
Only rarely are the costumes given or sold to the actors who wore them. Some stars have it in their contracts, but basically, since the costumes are paid for by the production, the production owns them, and consider them assets. They don't always want the cost of warehousing them afterwards, and as many films are made in association with a studio, like Warner Bros, they often go into their huge rental facilities for future income. Stars costumes are sometimes archived, if they are important costumes and can be used for publicity or exhibits. Sadly, the costume designers who created the original costumes have no ownership rights, and seldom get to keep any of them.
I once rented a silk bathrobe from Sony, and found the daily sides for Antonio Banderas in "Philadelphia" in the pocket! Another costumer I worked with found a suit still with Marlon Brando's name in it, though it must have been from an old film, as it was not very large.
Professional costumers will tell you that they are expected to account for all inventory purchased or custom made. More and more TV shows (such as "Passions," on which I worked), are using bar code systems for inventory control.
On low budget independent films, the wardrobe inevitably ends up in a box in the producer's garage!