當前位置:吉日网官网 - 油畫收藏 - 34人遇難、原畫全毀,燒毀的京都動畫讓壹代人心碎


2019 年 7 月 18 日對於整個動畫行業來說,是無比黑暗的壹天,當日上午 10 點 30 分,京都動畫第壹工作室遭人縱火,火勢持續約 5 個小時,34 人因此喪生,另有 30 多名傷員被送往醫院診治。京都動畫,這個被圈內人親切地稱為“京阿尼”的工作室,承載了壹代又壹代人的笑與淚,歡樂與感動,如今它被罪犯無情地破壞,隨之帶走的還有動畫行業的靈魂人物以及積累多年的作品資料。

An alleged arson attack on a respected Japanese animation studio left a shocked nation grieving, as investigators looked to identify victims and determine a possible motive in one of the deadliest acts of violence in Japan's modern history.


A total of 33 people — many of them young — were killed a day earlier when a man appeared to douse flammable liquid through the Kyoto Animation Co. studio and set it alight, triggering an inferno, officials said. Some 36 others were injured, about 10 critically.

相關官員稱,壹*** 33 人(其中許多都很年輕)在壹天之前遇害,當時,壹名男子將可燃液體澆在了京都動畫工作室的各個角落,並將它點燃,引發了壹場巨大的火災。除此以外,還有大約 36 人受傷,其中 10 人傷情嚴重。

The blaze at the production house struck at a pillar of Japan's anime industry, an obsession in the country and a cherished cultural export. Kyoto Animation, known as KyoAni, had produced hits such as "Lucky Star," "K-On!" and "Haruhi Suzumiya," winning worldwide acclaim for its skilled drawings.


Outside the charred shell of the company's workspace in Kyoto's outskirts on Friday, crowds of well-wishers left flowers and messages of support for the victims. Many bowed, or knelt down and prayed as they offered their respects.


The suspect, Shinji Aoba, aged 41, remained in the hospital after suffering burns all over his body. A woman who saw police detain the man a day earlier told reporters that he "seemed to be discontented, he seemed to get angry, shouting something about how he had been plagiarized," according to Reuters.

這名嫌疑人名叫青葉真司,現年 41 歲,他全身燒傷,目前正入院接受治療。據《路透社》的報道,在發稿的前壹天(即案發當天)壹名女士曾目睹警方扣押該嫌犯,這名女士告訴記者,“他看上去面露不快,怒氣沖沖,嘴裏叫喊著什麽他(的作品)被剽竊了之類的”。

Hideaki Hatta, a co-founder and president of Kyoto Animation, said Thursday that the studio had been receiving threats, including emails threatening murder. He said the attack had "broken our hearts."


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