中秋節傳統活動英語:Traditional Activities of the Mid-Autumn Festival。
1. 賞月 - Appreciating the Full Moon:Families and friends gather under the bright full moon, appreciating its beauty and completeness. 人們聚集在明亮的圓月下,欣賞它的美麗和完整。
2. 吃月餅 - Sharing Mooncakes:Sharing and enjoying mooncakes with loved ones symbolizes unity and harmony. 與親朋好友分享和品嘗月餅,象征著團圓和和諧。
3. 懸掛彩燈 - Hanging Lanterns:Colorful lanterns in various shapes and sizes illuminate the night, creating a festive atmosphere. 各種形狀和大小的彩燈照亮夜晚,營造出節日的氛圍。
4. 猜燈謎 - Guessing Lantern Riddles:People engage in the tradition of guessing lantern riddles, promoting intellectual stimulation and fun. 人們參與猜燈謎的傳統活動,促進智力刺激和娛樂。
5. 舞獅龍 - Dragon and Lion Dances:Dragon and lion dances bring streets to life, symbolizing good luck and warding off evil spirits. 舞龍舞獅將街道點亮,象征著好運和驅邪避鬼。
6. 制作柚子燈 - Making Pomelo Lanterns:Pomelos are carved into intricate designs, transforming into beautiful lanterns, signifying good fortune. 柚子被雕刻成復雜的圖案,變成美麗的燈籠,象征著好運。
7. 贈送“福”字 - Giving and Receiving Hap:"Hap" (福) – meaning "good fortune" – adorns lanterns and decorations, spreading blessings and joy. “福”字(好運)裝點在燈籠和裝飾品上,傳遞祝福和快樂。