What Are Some Bizarre Cultural Traditions of Ancient Egypt? ,
古埃及有哪些奇葩的文化傳統? ,
獲得964好評的回答@Daniel Taj-Akoben Oliver ,The ancient Egyptians had the bizarre habit of drawing and painting themselves like dark-skinned Africans.,古埃及人有壹個奇葩的習慣,就是把他們自己畫得像黑皮膚的非洲人。,
獲得46.4k 好評的回答@Amira Hosny Ibrahim ,Sacrificing beautiful girls by throwing them into the Nile.,將漂亮的女孩子投入尼羅河來進行獻祭。,
獲得2.5k好評的回答@James Saker ,The living shared food with the dead.,活人與死人***享食物。,
獲得4.5k好評的回答@Robert Johnston ,An Egyptian tradition that is carried on day is that of "Sham sl Nassim" or the? first day of tian families go and have a picnic by the Nile where they eat clouded hard boiled eggs in bread and dried fish, often Nile perch.,壹項埃及傳統發展至今,那就是春天的第壹天。埃及家庭出外在尼羅河畔進行野炊,通常他們吃黑乎乎的夾著煮老的雞蛋的面包以及魚乾,通常是尼羅河的鱸魚。,
獲得2.9k好評的回答@Ido Reif, M.A. ,Both men and women kept their hair shaved, and wore wigs on their bald heads.,男人和女人都把頭發剃光,然後戴上假發。,?,
獲得336K好評的回答@Lara Novakov ,Masturbating?into the Nile river.,在尼羅河裏進行XXXX。,This was both a cultural and religious practice.,這是壹項文化和宗教活動。,Ancient Egyptians considered masturbation to be extremely important and many of them thought that when a God masturbates, it is some kind of…magic? Some even thought that the Nile river was created that way.,古埃及人認為XXXX是極其重要的,並且他們當中許多人都認為壹位神的XXXX可以算是壹項奇跡。甚至有些人還認為尼羅河就是由XXXX創造而成。(英語君表示三觀已飛),?,(翻譯:蘇梨)