The Kite Runner is the first novel written by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan writer. It revolves around the story of kite and two Afghan teenagers, a rich teenager and his servant about kite, betrayal and redemption of human nature.
The protagonist Amir is a character with a complex image. The novel tells the story of Amir from the perspective of the first person. Amir was born in 1963 to a wealthy family in a wealthy community in Kabul.
His father, Dad, was a Pashtun, son of a judge and a successful carpet merchant. Hassan, the son of Ali, the servant of the Amir family, was born in Hazara.Amir and Hassan are playmates, Hassan is a very loyal, honest,
dedicated to the consideration of Master Amir, two people often play and play together. Amir is an excellent "kite fighter" who is good at cutting off other people's kites with his own kite;
Hassan is also an outstanding "kite chaser", because the tradition of Afghanistan is that the kite that falls when the line is cut is returned to its owner.
Kite Runner ranked second in Amazon's literature bestseller list at the end of March, surpassing the Da Vinci Code and becoming the top seller of Best Books, Taiwan Chengpin Bookstore, Jinshitang Bookstore and Blogger Bookstore in 2005.
The first book of the year of 2006 of the French Reading Association, the best novel award of the year for readers of ELLE magazine in France, and the book selection of the American Library Association.
In 2007, he directed Mark Foster to make a film of the same name, which was nominated for Best Score in the 80th Academy Awards.
《追風箏的人》是美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡賽尼(Khaled Hosseini)的第壹部長篇小說,全書圍繞風箏與阿富汗的兩個少年之間展開,壹個富家少年與家中仆人關於風箏的故事,關於人性的背叛與救贖。