當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統文化 - 高中作文”網購能取代傳統購物嗎,為什麽?“


網購已經是當今的趨勢,不能說會不取代傳統購物,穿形式的購物流程那是經幾千年歷史文化沈澱下來的,不會就這麽被取代,網購的優勢就方便:足不出戶就可以購買到自己所需物品 缺點是它需要壹個到貨時間不能滿足妳幾時需求。傳統的購物是購物快捷,想什麽時候買都可以隨時去隨買;缺點是只能服務當地市場的消費者。

The net is the current trend, can't say will not replace the traditional shopping, wear form of shopping process that is the thousands of years of history culture settling down, not so be replaced, the advantages of the net is convenient: never leave home can buy you need items defect is it need a delivery time can't meet the demand when will you. The traditional shopping is shopping fast, want when to buy all may at any time to buy with; Defect is the only service local market of consumers.

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