1.巴黎 Paris 2.凱旋門 Arc De Triomphe 3.塞納河 Seine 4.埃菲爾鐵塔 Tour d'Eiffel 5.盧浮宮 Louvre 6.香榭麗舍大街 Champions Elysees 7.巴黎聖母院 Cathédrale de Notre Dame 8.阿爾薩斯 Alsace 9.第戎 Dijon 10.亞爾 L'Asie vous 11.霞幕尼 Coeur attrayant de place d'harmonie 12.巴黎協和廣場 du Népal Paris de rideau 13.聖心大教堂 Coeur de la cathédrale de Bouddha 14.楓丹白露 Fontainebleau 15.凡爾賽 Versailles 16.杜勒裏花園 Jardin de Du Leli 17.旺多姆廣場 places prospères de multi-mho 18.新凱旋門 New Arc De Triomphe 19.盧森堡公園 Le Luxembourg garent 20.先賢祠 Temple aux worthies d'anciennes périodes 21.巴黎榮軍院 Cour handicapée de soldat de Paris 22.夏約宮 .Palais de Chaillot 23.巴士底廣場 place inférieure d'autobus 24.蓬皮杜中心 Centre de Pompidou 25.拉法耶特百貨公司 Grand magasin de Daraf Yette Arc De Triomphe Paris (L'arc de Triomphe) star located in Paris city center plaza (now known as General de Gaulle Square) in central, are to commemorate the French in February 1806 Napoleon at Austerlitz battle to defeat Russia, Austria coalition built, 12 Main Street to the Arc de Triomphe as the center, the surrounding radiation, the magnificent, the shape of Star directions. Arc de Triomphe夏爾格蘭Designed by the architect, laid the foundation stone in August 1806 and lasted for 30 years, was completed in July 1836. Arc de Triomphe 49.54 meters high, 44.82 meters wide, 22.21 meters thick. It has four doors, the center arch 14.6 meters wide, high pier gatehouse with two pillars, there is between the lift up and down. In the arch above the dome Wai has three galleries, the highest level is the showroom, where display of the Arc de Triomphe, as well as a variety of historical relics of Napoleon's Life Photos; second-tier collection of a variety of French Medal, Meritorious Service; the lowest layer is the Arc de Triomphe and the accounting of the security room. /70cFfyinKgQFm2e88IuM_a/baike/pic/item/6398ecd3fc9076c7a8ec9a72.jpg