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Eating zongzi、Dragon-boat Racing、Herba Artemisiae、Wear Sachets、Realgar wine

Eating zongzi:The most important and traditional thing in Dragon Boat Festival is to eat zongzi.But in China,Zongzi can be divided into North and south.Most of them are meat dumplings in the South and jujube dumplings in the north.

Dragon-boat Racing:Generally speaking, dragon boat races are held in the South on Dragon Boat Festival.Before the Dragon Boat race, ancestors should be sacrificed and dragon gods should be invited to perform activities to show respect for Dragon gods.

Herba Artemisiae:On the Dragon Boat Festival, most of the family will put mugwort in front of their house.Used to repel evil and avoid insects.

Wear Sachets:On Dragon Boat Festival, most adults wear sachets to their children.It has the intention of avoiding evil and dispelling plague, and the wind of embellishing the bosom.

Realgar wine:Drinking realgar wine is used to detoxify the heat, repel insects and ward off evil spirits.Because realgar wine has bactericidal, insect repellent and five toxic effects.

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