1. cleaning the sweet potatos, truncates skins, cut it into slivers in the length 5 centimeters, widely, the thick each 0.5 centimeter long strip, puts in the clear water to rinse repeatedly, except the starch, puts in the bowl, joins the salt, the monosodium glutamate, the cooking wine to pickle 30 minutes, after causing it gets interested, to draining juice which the salt leaves, scatters into the bread flour to mix evenly.
2. place the owen on strong fire, fill uncooked oil, when burns to 60% heat, gets down enters the fries to explode bails out to the micro yellow; Treats when the oil temperature climbs to 70% heat, puts in the fries to fry several minutes, bails out drainings the drying oil, in Sheng Rupan, on when the table matches the colored spiced salt.