設計理念是設計師在空間作品構思過程中所確立的主導思想,它賦予作品 文化 內涵和風格特點。好的設計理念至關重要,它不僅是設計的精髓所在,而且能令作品具有個性化、專業化和與眾不同的效果。那麽妳知道設計理念用英語怎麽說嗎?下面來學習壹下吧。
Design concept
Design Philosophy
idea of design
設計理念的相關 短語 :
獨樹壹幟的設計理念 Unique design concept
家居設計理念 Home Design Ideas
全球化設計理念 Global Design
建築設計理念 the concept of architectural design
室內設計理念 Interior Design Ideas
1. Our design philosophy class , first - class service standards, product quality first - class !
我們的設計理念壹流, 服務水平壹流, 產品質量 壹流!
2. When examining deconstructed and spontaneous designs, the metaphor persists.
3. A new design concept, luxury and beauty, pipeline ABS shell.
全新設計理念, 豪華美觀, 流水線型ABS外殼.
4. The imprint of the tide water becomes the concept for this design.
5. One the greatest challenges any designer faces is articulating the intuitive.
6. The newly produced car is an integration of several latest design concepts.
7. Do you know the design idea of the nest?
那妳知道?鳥巢?的設計理念是什麽 嗎 ?
8. The project furthers a continuing exploration in sustainable urban residential design.
9. Stationery Design Center, showing latest stationery design concept and colorful designing plans.
□特設文具設計推廣中心, 提供先進的文具設計理念和豐富多彩的設計方案,供需雙方面對面,企業發展增後勁.
10. It's design theory is sourced from triple - space true color continuing print.
11. Capable to cooperate with company design concept, quick learning in business operation.
能配合公司的設計理念, 熟悉公司的業務操作.
12. Chapter four: design of adjudication procedure and institution of adjudication relief.
第四 章 為行政裁決程序設計理念與救濟制度.
13. The design concept is visible in a mix of many contradictory elements.
14. In years of design practice, formed comparatively mature design conception.
在多年的設計實踐中, 形成了較成熟的設計理念.
15. The interior design of NEEZA features an open space philosophy.