當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統文化 - 請幫忙翻譯幾句英文,日常口語練習


1 Traditional Britishi food is mainly beef, lamb, chicken, fish and pork, with

2. Traditional British breakfast includes string beans, chicken, bacon, toast and mushroom.

3. We should rectify and regulate the order of maket economy, seeking both temporary and permanent solutions.

4. In UK, coffe is as popular as tea. Please drink coffee adding milk and sometimes without adding. Some drink grinding coffee and some drink instant coffee.

5. The first important thing is to deal with the stable relaitionship between reform and development.

6. I believe performance management is the most effective way of managing staff.

7. We need adjust the relationship between nations and enterprises.

8. It is a special thing for most family to bake Christamas cookies and decorate house.

  • 上一篇:記得在很小的時候(大概5 6歲)看的壹個系列電視劇(不是相聲!)。其中壹集是慢性子、急性子和貪小便宜
  • 下一篇:對商業銀行的法律限制是什麽?
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