當前位置:吉日网官网 - 油畫收藏 - IE自動提示加入收藏夾,怎麽阻止


1 – Pop-up problems(彈出窗口問題)

When one clicks on the link "Computer Test", the following page appears, and nothing happens:


When one clicks again, the following message appears:


When one clicks on the icon as shown in the following screen capture, it is possible to access the "pop-ups" parameters:

當妳點擊圖標(如下面的截圖所示), 有可能回出現下面的“彈出工具”參數:

This is how you correct the “pop-ups” in order to authorize them from the TELL ME MORE v7 ONLINE server:

下面是應該如何處理彈出窗口,以方面我們如何正常使用TELL ME MORE v7在線服務器:

Then by restarting the "Computer test", here is what you obtain:


Note the window which appears in the lower right-hand corner and which did not appear before (this window should be hidden).


2 – ActiveX Problem(ActiveX問題) After loading the “Computer test”, the following error appears:


This error is caused by the default settings of MS Internet Explorer. In fact, MS Internet Explorer no longer offers the dialog box authorizing the installation of ActiveX and no longer permits the installation of ActiveX.


The following message is no longer displayed:


Then the “Computer test” continues to loop without progressing.


Envisaged Solutions (解決方法)

1 – Trusted sites and the adjustment of Active X a) Add the TELL ME MORE ONLINE server to the list of trusted sites:

將TELL ME MORE ONLINE服務器添加為可信賴的網站

b) Allow ActiveX commands to be executed:


2 – Modifying Internet Explorer parameters a) Modify the MS Internet Explorer rules to authorize the opening of JavaScript and the management of windows:


b) Modify the MS Internet Explorer rules so that it requests, loads and executes ActiveX:




In the case of existing users

For existing users of TELL ME MORE ONLINE 7, after the update of the XP Service Pack 2, it will be enough for them in theory to add their TELL ME MORE ONLINE 7 server to the list of the sites authorized to use pop-ups. Without this adjustment, to start the computer test, to define objectives, to start training or to launch the certification test will be impossible.

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