In my opinion, the love of beauty is a nature of human beings. Everyone wants to be beautifully dressed so that he or she can display the best self in front of others. Fashion changes are the inevitable result of the advance of human civilization and are also a mirror of social progress. Fashion now has already become a flourishing industry, which contributes a lot to the economy and the society. Besides, fashion gives expression to new ideas and originality and offers an unlimited scope for talented artists.
However, it cannot be denied that there are some disadvantages to the pursuit of fashion. If everyone is overindulged in the pursuit of fashion, individuality and uniqueness will get lost to the public. Also, it is a costly hobby to follow the fashion, leading to extravagance of time,energy and money. What's worse, To follow the fashion blindly will make one get addicted to faddism, which will probably lead to superficiality of one’s intellect and thinking. Therefore, we should take a serious attitude towards the poursuit fashion.
在畫中,我們可以看到壹些年輕的姑娘們穿著時髦的衣服。他們高高興興地在展示壹些最新的流行服裝。隨著國家經濟的穩步增長和人民的生活水平的提高, 時尚已經成為壹種大產業,影響到許多人的日常生活。然而,出於傳統觀念,有些人對追求時尚持消極態度。是否應當追趕時尚潮流壹直是有爭議論的話題。
依我看來,愛美之心是人之天性。每個人都希望自己穿得漂亮,把自己最美壹面展現在別人面前。時尚變化是人類文明進步的必然結果,也社會的進步的反 映。時尚已成為壹種欣欣向榮的產業,對促進社會經濟發展有利。此外,時尚反映了新想法、新創意,同時也為有才華的藝術家提供了廣闊的天地。