搶飯碗 steal my job
吆喝 vendor's cries
健康、健壯 as sound as a bell
套餐 set course
糯米面 sticky rice powder
烤肉 barbecue (五分熟 rare, 七分熟 medium, 全熟 well-done)
肥腸 pig's intestines
紅燒 braise in soy sauce (紅燒肉 braise in soy sauce)
紅地毯 red carpet
節假日、大日子 red-letter days
毛血旺 duck blood cake
配菜 side dishes
露餡兒 spill the beans
口感嫩 It tastes tender
麻婆豆腐 bean Tofu
肉臊子 diced meat
花椒粉 Sichuanese pepper corn
淋漓盡致 incisively and vividly
歸心似箭 homeward bound
調料醬、蘸料 condiment sauce
涮羊肉 boiled mutton
蒔蘿 dill
歐芹 parsley
迷叠香 rosemary
百裏香 thyme
羅勒 basil
薄荷 mint