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deviate from

depart from


1. 這壹舉措原本會是對傳統習俗驚人的背離。

Such a move would have been a startling departure from tradition.

2. 所采取的這些行動背離了她所謂的那些普遍接受的民主準則。

The actions taken depart from what she called the commonly accepted norms of democracy.

3. 到目前為止,我們知道我們可以指出什麽東西會讓我們背離這些規律嗎?

Do we know anything so far that we can point to that would give us a departure of this laws?

4. 他對詩學的改革的提議,尤其是荷馬詩學,清楚地代表著徹底的背離了希臘的教育實踐和信仰。

His proposals for the reform of poetry, especially Homeric poetry, represent clearly a radical departure from Greek educational practices and beliefs.

5. 另壹方面,它的繼任者似乎讓關鍵的社會經濟群體陷入生死鬥爭,被當代觀察家廣泛視為歷史背離的標誌。

Its successor, on the other hand, appeared to pit key socioeconomic groups in a life-or-death struggle and was widely seen by contemporary observers as marking a historical departure.

6. 我覺得這個項目已經背離了原來的意圖。

I feel that the project has lost its way.

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