當前位置:吉日网官网 - 傳統文化 - 求壹篇介紹中國傳統婚禮英文的文章 要寫張明信片到外國有個外國朋友想了解 ,但是我英文不是很好請幫

求壹篇介紹中國傳統婚禮英文的文章 要寫張明信片到外國有個外國朋友想了解 ,但是我英文不是很好請幫

The traditional Chinese wedding is different from a church wedding. The main color in Chinese wedding is red instead of white. Before the wedding ceremony, the groom need to go to the bride's home to pick her up. The most important parts in wedding ceremony are bowing and cross-cupped wine, which are similar to exchanges vows and rings. The bride and groom need to bow three times, one to heaven and earth, one to their parents and one to each other. There may be some other activities during the ceremony too. After the ceremony, the bride and groom can go to the bridal chamber and enjoy their time alone.

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