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求幫忙翻譯壹下這篇影評吧,最好能壹段英文下面壹段中文 萬分感謝


To call “Aftershock” a melodrama doesn’t really do it justice. Shortly after Feng Xiaogang’s film begins, a woman whose husband has just died in the devastating 1976 Tangshan earthquake looks up and screams: “God! You bastard!” And things go downhill from there. Before you know it, she has a Sophie’s choice to make involving her two trapped children and a concrete slab.


These scenes, including a highly effective rendering of the earthquake, which killed an estimated 240,000 people, are dispatched quickly. But the pain is just beginning. Still to come are an adoption, an unexpected pregnancy, terminal illness, two amputations, three emotional reunions, four abandonments and more than 30 years of exquisite suffering, guilt and resentment, until a redemptive finale brought about by — it’s almost too good to be true — the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.


The surprise is that while you’re aware that “Aftershock” is extracting tears with a sledgehammer, it doesn’t necessarily feel like abuse; it’s easy to let yourself go along with it. A lot of Chinese moviegoers did: “Aftershock” (the original title translates as “The Tangshan Earthquake”) is the highest-grossing domestic film in China’s history, its $100 million take since its release in July ranking it ahead of “The Founding of a Republic,” though still behind “Avatar.”

盡管所有人都會知道《唐山大地震》顯然是壹部催淚彈,但令人意外的是這部影片並不那麽濫情;妳可以很輕松地放任自己的情緒跟著片中的人物飄搖。事實上很多中國電影觀眾也的確這樣做了:於是《唐山大地震》(英文譯名原為The Tangshan Earthquake,後改為Aftershock)成為了中國歷史上最賣座的本土電影,自七月份上映以來其累積票房收入達1億美元,穩穩領先於《建國大業》,不過仍然落後於《阿凡達》。

Mr. Feng, director of the romantic caper “A World Without Thieves” and the romantic comedy “If You Are the One” (No. 3 in that box office ranking), has been called the Spielberg of China. In “Aftershock” the comparison makes sense in terms beyond commercial success. He somehow manages to mitigate the worst excesses of Su Xiaowei’s script. The film may be a blunt instrument , but it’s rarely maudlin — the exception being the performance of Mr. Feng’s wife, Fan Xu, as the long-suffering mother -and is, on occasion, quite moving. (Western viewers will still find some of the notions about family guilt to be over the top , but then they’re not accustomed to presumptive filial piety and a one-child policy.)


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